Tape Hair Extensions: Are they right for me?

Tape Hair Extensions: Are they right for me?

Its becoming increasingly popular to get a little bit of a helping hand when it comes to achieving a full head of long and thick hair.  Gone are the days where you needed be patient as your locks grew out that short haircut. The most beloved way of getting your hair to the length you desire are tape hair extensions. 

tape hair extensions australia

There are a multitude of reasons why women prefer tape over other forms of hair extensions, but the main reasons seem to be that they are affordable, low maintenance, reusable, gentle on your hair and seamlessly blend with your own hair.  

If you're on the fence as to whether you need these in your life I'm pretty sure that by the end of this writing you will be assured that they are indeed, right for you. Remember, we do have afterpay for your convenience.

You can view the range here if you're already convinced!

Totes Affordable

I would often stare longingly as the head of hair on celebs such as below and wish I could achieve that same full head of hair.

tape hair extensions tape hair extensions australia

photo source:@selenagsworld

 All of that changed the day I discovered the gorgeous tape hair Minque has to offer! When you buy from Minque, you can be sure you buying from a premium Australian company, who will only offer you the best quality Remy human hair. The best part is that you don't have to break your budget (or piggy bank) to get that full head of hair!  At well under $150, you got this. 

Low Maintenance

Before we go into the maintenance, I'll give you a rundown of how the tapes are placed in your hair: 

Tape extensions are essentially 1 inch bundles of hair that are adhered to your own hair by a thin film of glue, or 'tape' as it were. They get their name as the method used to place them onto your hair is similar to how you would use sticky tape. To achieve the best result and reduce maintenance or slipping of the tape, we do recommend you have them placed in your hair by a qualified hairdresser. 

photo source: Minque Hair

Once your extensions are in (usually takes 20-30 minutes) they are set! The tape is strong enough to keep in your extensions for up to 2-3 months! Amazing. As long as they are placed correctly by a qualified hairdresser, the extensions will grow with your own hair which means less work for you.

Tape extensions are re-usable!

The environment thanks you, you eco friendly queen.  Doing your part for the environment has never been easier, the best part of course, being that you get gorgeous hair too.  Once you have outgrown your tape extensions as you may have guessed, they can be adhered once again near your scalp time and time again.  Not only does that mean less waste but also the joy of not having to re-purchase each time. Happy days.

photo source: Minque Hair

Gentle on your hair

Another reason tape extensions are surely right for you is that using them is extremely gentle on your hair, so you don't have to worry about pulling, breakage or hair falling out. 

How is this possible?  

  • While the tape is extremely strong, as long as it is not adhered right to your roots, it will allow your hair to grow and move as normal.
  • The bundle also distributes the weight of the hair evenly amongst the tape, so the end result is quite light to each strand on application.
  • Finally, no chemicals or strange tools are needed to adhere the tapes to your own locks, so the hair does not get weaker on application, instead you end up with a gorgeous full head of hair. 

tape hair extensions

photo source: Minque Hair

Just like your own hair - only fuller

 In my humble opinion, the absolute best thing that sets tape apart from any other form of extensions is how seamlessly it blends into your own hair. The secret (or maybe not so secret) to this is that the tape itself is as flat as possible, which means there will be no bumps or raises at any point of your extensions life cycle.  I so love that no one will ever be able to look at your mane and think 'oh I see tape' Not a chance! 

Once your tape extensions are in you can pretty much treat it as if it were part of your own scalp, it is that tough!  You can wash it, dry it, straighten it, curl it, whatever you want to do.  We do recommend you use our recommended maintenance products to keep your do looking fleek. 

You can find these products here

Work out? 

You won't be able to blame your new tape extensions for not fitting in a workout.  It is absolutely fine to work out and even take a dip in the pool with them in. What did I tell you, just like your own hair, only better.  

Be sure to follow below tips in order to maintain your extensions pre and post work out: 

  • Tie your hair up and out of your face to avoid excess sweat getting on the extensions. Pro tip: a bun will do all of this.
  • For outdoor activity pop on a hat so that your tapes are not directly in the sun.
  • Be sure to wash your hair straight after exercising.

tape extensions hair extensions australia

Oh, the choices!

Tape hair extensions come with a myriad of options, you'll be hard pressed to buy just one of them! 


For your hair extension length, you can choose either 20 or 26 inch. 

tape hair extensions australia

photo source: Minque Hair


Solid colour or balayage?  Why not both.

Choose your grams

You can also choose how much extra volume you will end up with. Options include half head (20 pieces), full head (40 pieces), full head and a half (60 pieces) and finally 2 full heads (80 pieces) 

For all options above, the determining factor will be the look you are going for and thickness of your own hair.  If at any point you feel overwhelmed or unsure, we will gladly help - reach out to us here.

How'd we do?  Convinced that tape extensions are right for you yet?  Here's a quick recap of all the goodness that comes with tape:

  • Affordable
  • Low Maintenance
  • Durable
  • Gentle
  • Seamless
  • Work out friendly
  • Choose your own look

I hope all of the above have helped firmly sway you towards the tape extensions band wagon, you can thank me once they're safely in your hair and you are reaping the benefits of luscious hair and compliment upon compliment.

Liked this blog or have any suggestions? To contact us about this blog, or to inquire about any of our products or services, please click here, we always love hearing from you!

‘Til Next Time

Yours in hair,

The Minque Hair Team


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